Friday, May 22, 2009

An Unlikely Choice!

The Lord does not see as mortals see...1 Samuel 16:7

Why would God call a middle-aged woman from the South, Alabama of all places, to leave one of two culturally-acceptable professions for women, teaching, (at least in my day) and to go back to school to prepare for a new profession, one that is culturally-acceptable for men alone, preaching, (at least in my part of the country)? Especially a woman who has found her niche teaching young people and who has a husband and a young son? A woman who has always played it safe and dared not color outside the lines? Why would God enlist such a scaredy cat to speak God's truth from the pulpit? To speak God's truth requires courage, after all.

These questions consumed me until 16 years ago in 1993 when I quit my high school teaching job, my husband quit his job, and we sold our home of 18 years, packed our bags and moved to Atlanta with our 13-year-old son so I could attend seminary. I say these questions consumed me until 1993 when I went to seminary, but the truth of the matter is I still marvel at God's designs on me in light of the sheltered, provincial life I had led. Wouldn't God have preferred a bolder, more self-assured young person to preach God's Word?

So begins the musings of one of God's scaredy cats who answered the call to preach! One thing I have learned in the years since 1993 is that I am no less a scaredy cat today than I was then. More importantly, though, is that I have learned that God is faithful to provide all I need wherever God leads me, even courage when courage is what is called for. Thanks be to God!

My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness.
2 Corinthians 12:9
Copyright 2009 Lynn W. Dimon

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad that you listened. god uses all kinds of folks even the "scaredy cats" of the world. I will be really happy when i get to where I can hear His word as clarly as you heard Him.
